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Best Ways For Moms To Get Fit

Wondering what the best ways for moms to get fit? Being a mom is stressful and sometime you don't know where one day ends and another begins. Finding time to clean is a challenge, how are going to get fit? Well it can be pretty simple! Here are 25 great tips to make fitness a part of your crazy busy day! The best ways for moms to get fit:

Tips For Fitness In Busy Schedules

Put Yourself on the Calendar

Every weekend sit down and set times to workout throughout the week. Pre-planning gives you time to make adjustments and make it work!

PLAY with Your Kids

The towels can sit in the basket a little longer, get up and be the tagger!

Workout at the ParkThe park is an outdoor gym waiting to be used! There is nothing like getting in some step-ups, tricep dips and push-ups at the picnic table.

Keep a Resistance Band in the CarA resistance band is the perfect addition to the half of your house you take in the car. You've got 15 minutes until practice is over - why not!

Pre-Plan Your WorkoutsKnow what you want to achieve each week, making sure you have a balanced workout.

Use a Fitness DVDEspecially with little ones, there are days when you just don't make it out the door. Have a couple workouts that you like and can pop in during nap time.

Pack Your Lunch TooPack your own healthy lunch so you can avoid the fast-food run during your lunch break.

Create a 30-Minute, At-Home WorkoutThe unpredictibility of the day sometimes presents little windows of opportunity that we didn't expect. When it does, be prepared with a workout that is ready to go.

Play Date for Kids = Fitness Date for MomsWhile it may not run as smooth as a group fitness class in a gym, it gives you the opportunity to workout with friends. Milestones and gossip can all be discussed during sets of squats and lunges!

Embrace the PlankOne of the best exercises to work your back and abs and all you need is yourself.

Don't Indulge in your Children's SnacksLeave the cookies and macaroni and cheese for the kids. A few handfuls here and a few bites there leads to unwanted pounds here!

Develop a Support SystemSurrounding yourself with people who encourage and support your fitness goals is crucial to your adherence.

Get Your Z'sSetting a bed time for yourself can be the difference in being a happy and healthy, energized mommy.

Use WeightsLifting dumbbells is not going to make you look like He-man. Resistance training is key to being toned, reducing body fat and increasing bone mineral density.

Find a Gym with ChildcareIf finding a sitter is what keeps you from working out, sign up at a gym that offers it.

Find What Motivates YouMaybe it's your 20-year reunion or the competitor within, know yourself to move yourself.

Maximize the HouseworkScrubbing is no easy job, put some muscle into it and keep it continuous for a squeaky clean workout.

Challenge the KidsWhat kid doesn't want to do something "better" than mom? Set up an obstacle course in the yard or put on your helmet and "tour de France" the neighborhood.

Do What You LikeIncorporate activities that you enjoy! If you enjoy it, you will find a way to keep doing it.

De-StressDon't laugh, it is possible! Exercise is an excellent stress reliever. Looking for something more - try some Yoga or Tai Chi.

Use Your BabyIncorporating your baby into your workout provides some extra resistance for you and fun for them!

Set an ExampleMonkey see, monkey do. Don't be surprised when your kid(s) join in your living room kickboxing workout and have a blast.

Invest in Your ShoesWhether you are jogging, walking or taking a class, wearing the proper supportive shoes for the activity will help prevent unnecessary injuries.

Set GoalsWhether you want to get in 3 workouts this week or complete a 5k, setting goals will keep you on track. Hang your chart next to the potty chart, and you both get prizes!

Love YourselfYou have the most important job in the world and you are awesome! Believe it and feel it!

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These are the best tips to get you stared and get fitness back into your life. Share your fit mommy tips with us!

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