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How to Fit Yoga into Your Bust Life

A lot of time we use our busy schedules as a excuse to skip a workout or not do something. When it comes to yoga, the busier you are, the more important it is that you fit yoga into your schedules. Yoga is a practice that everyone should adopt and if you have busy, stressful day to day life, yoga could really help manage your stress and get you back in shape.

With yoga in your life you'll find yourself feeling more grounded and in tune with yourself. Yoga is a opportunity to put yourself first and make time for yourself. While there are many physical benefits to practicing yoga, at the end of the day it's the mental and spiritual qualities that will make it worth the time. ​

Related: Top 5 At-Home Yoga Programs for Beginners ​

Yoga gives you time to reflect on how you feel and the breathing and relaxation will help you release tension and promote better health. Common benefits of practicing yoga include an improvement in sleep, reduction in stress, and better self control. ​

Flexible Yoga Schedules​

The biggest reason people don't practice yoga is because they are not flexible with their time and sometimes their schedules can be unpredictable. ​In the craziness that we call our every day life - it can be impossible to commit to going to a yoga class. It's not just about finding the time, but it also takes time to get ready, drive all the way to the yoga studio, then drive all the way back home and shower.

Related: What to Eat Before and After Yoga for Weight Loss

That at least a solid 2 hour commitment. Can you really commit 2 hours every Tuesday and Thursday evening? What if you have to stay late for work? Or your friends want to go out and celebrate a birthday? I wouldn't want to pay ahead for sessions I can't go to. Sometimes you can find Studio's that have "drop-in" classes but even those are on their own schedules.

Solution: Yoga on Your Time​

So what do we do? While going to the studio might be great to be around people, it can be pricy and inconvenient. My solution is practicing yoga at home because practicing at home is a hundred times better than not practicing at all! ​

If you look online you can find a variety of yoga books and videos. I started by searching YouTube but after a while I wanted session that where actually taught by certified yoga teachers. This is why I turned to online yoga sessions.

There are several at-home yoga programs but the one that I like the best is I feel like for as little at $7.50 a month, they have the greatest selection of yoga classes. ​You can read me full Yoga Download Review or you can give them a 2 week try for only $1.00. If you are unable to pay Yoga Download's monthly fee you can always checkout YouTube for fairly descent tutorials.

February 22, 2021
February 22, 2021

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