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With the passing of the summer and the summer fruits we are introduced into a colorful variety of Fall vegetables! There is more to Fall than Halloween costumes, candy, and Thanksgiving. So what are the most nutritious Fall vegetables? The biggest take-away to follow is that the more colorful the more nutritious! Here are the TOP most nutritious fall fruits and vegetables:


Apples are very high in vitamin C and fiber. Other than pumpkins, apples are a trademark of fall! But before you go for the apple cider and donuts, it's not the same as eating an apple. As a fun fall activity visit the the apple orchard and go apple picking! Store apples in a cool, dry place to pro-long the shelf life. They are a great quick snack. A tip to keep your apples from browning: squeeze lemon juice on freshly cut apples.


"Once soft, you can opt to store them in the fridge to slow the ripening process, or keep them in a fruit bowl and eat within five days. And just like apples, lemon juice can help prevent your cut pears from browning. Pears are a hydrophilic food, meaning they’re water-loving and fill you up quick. They’re also loaded with a complex carbohydrate called pectin, which acts as a detoxifier, a gastrointestinal tract regulator, and an immune system stimulant; they help with digestion, lowering cholesterol, and regulating the body’s absorption of sugar, too."


Grapes boast their best flavor in fall, when you can enjoy them fresh from the vine. This includes varieties you can't get other times of year like champagne grapes (not what they make the popular celebratory drink from, but a miniature-sized grape), concords and holiday seedless. Grapes are a good source of vitamin K, vitamin C, antioxidants, and resveratrol, an antiinflammatory compound that helps keep your skin looking young. You can eat them raw, or pop them in the freezer for a healthy, guiltless sweet treat. When looking for peak-ripeness, grapes should be plump and firm. “When it comes to color, green grapes should have a yellowish hue (known as amber), and red grapes should be a bright shade of crimson,” Romano says. “Avoid wilted stems or wrinkled grapes when browsing for the perfect bunch,” he adds. Keep your bushels in the refrigerator for up to one week, and be sure to wash them before consuming.

Leafy Greens

Autumn is actually one of the best times to enjoy leafy greens—ironic as every other leaf is turning yellow, red, and brown—in terms of its variety and flavor. “Kale's popularity has skyrocketed in the past few years, and for good reason; it’s an excellent source of vitamin K, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, fiber, and manganese,” Romano says. “But there are lots of other powerhouse greens that are at their best in fall like chard, watercress, leaf lettuce, mustard greens, arugula, raddichio and chicory.” Take your pick and fill up. Leafy greens are an excellent way to add volume to a meal without weighing you down.

Sweet Potatos

These root vegetables are equally delicious in desserts and savory dishes. And, despite their rich, sweet flavor, sweet potatoes are surprisingly nutritious. They’re loaded with carotenoids, vitamin E, potassium, and copper. Choose small to medium sweet potatoes that feel heavy in your hand, and buy them shortly before you plan to use them,” Romano says. Pay special attention to picking ones that are uninform in size, too, so the cooking time doesn’t vary. You want to keep whole potatoes in a cool, dark place, and toss any that’ve grown sprouts. During the fall, there’s a huge variety of sweet potatoes, including Hannah, Japanese, Jewel, Garnet, and Purple Stokes.

These five fruits and veggies are the most nutritious fall fruits and vegetables. Grab your favorite! Men's Fitness has additional fruits and veggies to try this fall!

December 27, 2020
December 25, 2020

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